
Our Projects


Health and nutrition program was implemented in 40 villages of Parbhani District.

  • Immunization of around 100+ children and pregnant women was carried out.
  • Enrollment of pregnant women in anganwadi was made and support to get mch card
  • Around 70+ community based monitoring committee have been formed for monitoring anganwadi activities.
  • Distribution of folic acid and hb tablet have been carried out to 150+ pregnant women out.
  • Pregnant and lactic women are encouraged to carry out proper pnc at least thrice.
  • Anganwadi workers were encouraged in carrying out regular immunization, health check-ups and referral to NRC/ MTC as per ICDS norms.
  • A lot of children were moved out from SAM to MAM
  • Nutrition melava where organized in 40 anganwadi of 40 villages’
  • Kitchen gardens have been devolved in 10 villages
  • 500+ adolescent girls received training on health and hygiene, personal health care programs were organized in anganwadi



  • Identification of school dropouts and children out of school to sustain them in mainstream of education.
  • Stop migrant Children and enrollment in school through seasonal hostels.
  • Initiate quality education and personality development of Children from the Project area.
  • Sensitization of School management Committees, Parents, teachers on proper implementation of Right to Education Act.
  • Legal support to migrant sugar cane cutters regarding to economical and sexual exploitation, physical and mental atrocities from contractors and landholders at working site.
  • Non formal education was provided to 962 children.
  • Enrollment of 9290 children out of school.
  • Enrollment of 1387 children in ICDS.
  • 10754 children prevented from migration and continued in school.
  • Remaining children were accommodated in regular govt. hostels and relatives.
  • 452 children covered under 10 mobile education centers on sites of sugar cane industries.
  • 977 migrant children covered through 20 centers o promote art and skills ensure quality Education and health care at source places of migration.
  • Regular health check up of children in school 22301.
  • 1147 pregnant women and adolescent girls got benefit of govt. health services with our support.

Child Protection

    VCPCs (Village Child Protection Committees)

    Formation of VCPCs (Village Child Protection Committees) was completed in 40 villages. Continuous follow up was made with the Collector and Officer of women and child development through discussion and memorandums to face the increasing child labour and child marriage issues during covid pandemic. Sensitization and awareness of community on VCPCs was focused along with capacity building of 275 VCPC members in 40 villages.

    Adolescent girl groups

    Formation of around 70+ adolescent girls groups was completed out of which 38 groups are still active. These active groups organize monthly meetings to check the understanding of girls about child marriage, child labor, education, health and sanitation during menstrual cycles etc.

    Engagement with adolescent boys

    As the formation of adolescent girl groups was done, in the same manner formation of 30+ adolescent boys group has been formed who were made aware about child labor, education and health issues, etc.
    Linkage of 10 th Passed girls in Skill building program has been done. Around 40+ girls were successfully enrolled for skill development program, 23 girls were linked with tailoring skill, 50 girls to MSCIT and 8 girls in Beauty Parlour courses.


In the Marathwada region the major occupations include- sugarcane cutting and brick making, which requires migration from one place to another from time to time. This ongoing migration causes the children to drop-out of their schools, making it difficult for them to receive/ complete education. Early child marriage stems out as a major consequence especially from adolescence girls in the region, to combat this situation, Sankalp Manav Vikas Sanstha has been working through the following areas:

  • Identification of potential migrant families before migration in every year through survey.
  • Advocacy to get migration certificate from local governance authorities.
  • Efforts to stop migrating children and continuous in school.
  • Demanding seasonal hostels (Hagami Shala ) for migrating children in village.
  • Health care and health checkup of children and women at village level and working site by public health employees.
  • Legal support to migrant sugar cane cutters regarding to economical and sexual exploitation, physical and mental atrocities from contractors and landholders at working site.


Sankalp Manav Vikas Sanstha, Basic skill training program for semi-literate, school dropouts and child labor in Mumbai like retail management, basic computer education, English speaking and personality development.

  • Women empowerment through tailoring Skill and Knowledge Development Center Rabale, New Mumbai and Rahatni, Pune
  • Capacity building of potential local leaders through training workshops, melava etc.
  • 942 women got land title of 2733 acre of land.
  • 7380 families supported to get land title and possession of 22140 acre govt. land from 3 Dist., 9 block, and 246 villages.
  • Land development to increase productivity was done in 889 acre land of 336 families in 10 villages of Parbhani dist.
  • Awareness, motivation and practice of organic formic with 5600 families in 160 villages from 8 Dist. in Marathwada region.
  • Training regarding organic farming was provided to 380 women and men.
  • Skill training was completed with 664 youth and 270 women and they get self-employed.
  • 187 SHGs were formed of 1870 women and linked with financial institutions.
  • 14686 individual women supported through micro finance for small business and total amount was 22, 02,90,000/- from 90 villages.
  • 3064 families from 60 villages were supported to get benefit of govt. schemes of amount of Rs.13,33,19958 /-

Networking and Advocacy

Sankalp Manav Vikas Sanstha has carried out the study on the fallowing subjects / issues. We found some gaps in implementation so we concentrated on it. The networking and advocacy efforts were being made from block to dist. And state with different expertise, retired personals, other volunteer organization and Trade unions like Marathwada collective forum, Bal Hakk Abhiyan, Jamin Adhikar Andolan and the campaign for Human Rights etc.

  • Grazing land (Gairan) migration (Sugarcane cutters, Brick kiln workers)
  • Right to education Act (10 indicators and gaps in implementation)
  • Status of sub center and PHC as per NRHM norms
  • Study of ICDS provisions and gaps
  • Status of child protection measures regarding child marriage, child labour and dropouts.
  • Seasonal hostels.
  • Structural gaps in ICPS (Integrated child Protection Scheme) and VCPC (Village Child Protection Committee)


Covid -19 protection material kits were distributed in 80 villages of Jalna & Parbhani by Sankalp with the support of CRY, Mumbai. The protection kits were distributed to the families, staff of PHC, sub-centre, rural hospital, police station, Anganwadi and municipality and Asha worker adolescent girls as well as the student of 10 th class.

During lockdown period the poor families were badly in need of food grains so Sankalp decided to support them by distribution of food grain kits along with protection material like handwash, Sanitizer, Mask and soap etc. The food grain kit included wheat 30 kg, Rice 10 Kg, Tur Dal – 3 Kg, Chana dal – 2 Kg, edible oil 2 kg and Soyavadi of 500 grms. We have distributed the food grain kits to the needy families in Parbhani and Jalna.(Parbhani-416, and Jalna -186 families)